Monday 11 February 2013

'Be a Loser'

'Be a Loser'
In the poster, we can see the twisted meaning. Generally, the meaning of ‘Loser’ is negative. But, in this text, Loser was used in a different way to encourage people to lose your weight if you have Special K cereal. The color of font in the text is red. Basically, the color of symbol of Special K is red. Probably, it is also used to promote to burn your fat behind meaning.

The main image of this poster is the attractive woman, who looks glamorous and healthy. Through this image, it is appealed to attract people to consume the product. And the contents in this poster provide additional suggestions how you can improve your diet.

When we look at this poster at the first time, we can know the purpose of this poster is advertisement to promote sales. And we can usually see this poster in magazine, newspaper, or printed media. Although the text’s contents are not formal because of twisted metaphor, via this poster, we can be inspired by message directly.
This poster’s syntagm is the woman with attractive body. Our first impression of it is sexy, healthy, attractiveness, and stereotype of beauty of women. This text triggers women who care about appearance.

What I felt the first impression of this poster is typical and stereotype. There are many advertisements to use women’s body to appeal their products. For example, when we have a look at cosmetics products, most images have a beautiful woman who has a perfect makeup, smile, body like icon of Greek goddess. Although it is typical and old way to show product’s image, it is still effective. I think that in this poster, the image of woman attracts people’s attention and provide fantasy that you can be like this woman if you have this. It is classic but it is still working.    

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