Tuesday 5 February 2013

Coursework Outline

University Foundation/Pre-Masters Programme
Subject Pathway Coursework
Communication and Culture Studies

In the process of doing the coursework for this module, you will have the opportunity to use your analytic skills to examine a range of texts. 

Relation to course objective:

·        You will be able to use the process and semiotic approach to carry out own in-depth analysis of texts, using practical examples and case studies.

Part One

See pages 160 – 161 of your coursebook 'AS Communication and Culture'

Respond to the three questions asked for each document H, I and J. 

For each of the documents:

·        Question 1 is worth 4 marks
·        Question 2 is worth 6 marks
·        Question 3 is worth 10 marks.

Total = 60 marks
Words = 1000 words minimum.

Part Two

See pages 172 and 173 of your coursebook 'AS Communication and Culture'

Analyse the two texts featured on these pages using the process developed in class.  You should write about what you think about them and consider how else the texts could be interpreted.

Total = 30 marks
Words = 500 words minimum.

Overall number of marks available = 90 marks.

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