Sunday, 27 January 2013

Celia Chan Sze Wing

Teochew Language is one of the dialects in China. This language is mainly found in eastern Guangdong. However, since many Teochew diaspora in many region around the wrold, you can still find people speak in Teochew Language in other places . Its characteristic is that it involves many old chinese archaic pronounciation and vocabulary which many of them have been lost in modern dialects. Therefore, it has been commented as one of the conservative Chinese diaect.

People who know Cantonese are much easier to learn. It has the same words as Mandarin when writing. Also, it has the smiliar grammar to Cantonese and Mandarin., usually subject-verb-object (though sometimes subject-object-verb pattern is also exsist ) ,as well as six tones when pronoun words.

The personal pronouns in Teochew,  我 [ua] means both I and me and 伊人 [i naŋ] means they and them. The southern Min dialects, like some northern dialects, have a distinction between an inclusive and exclusive. we, meaning that when the addressee is being included, the inclusive pronoun 俺 [naŋ] would be used, otherwise 阮 [ŋ].

Here are some examples:

 [puŋ˥˨ tsɤ˧ si˧˥ ua˥˨ kai˥]
The book is mine.

[i˧ puŋ˧ naŋ˥ tʰai˥ tiau˩]
s/he was killed (by someone)

[tsi2 kõĩ1 mueʔ8 siaŋ5 teŋ2 ho2 tsiaʔ8]
This (restaurant) is (absolutely) the most delicious.

[i1 naŋ5 tui3 ua2 siaŋ5 ho2]
They treat me best.

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