Sunday, 27 January 2013

South Korean Dialects

A number of different Korean dialects are spoken in the Korean peninsula. The peninsula is extremely mountainous, and each dialect's "territory" corresponds closely to the natural boundaries between different geographical regions. Most of the dialects are named for one of Korea's traditional Eight Provinces.(Wikipedia).



Since 1978, some researchers and professors, who were majoring in Korean language and linguistics, had tried to make South Korean dialects map. Finally, it was finished in 30 years in 2008. If you want further information about Korean dialects map, you can find this book, ‘한국언어지도, Korean Language Map, 2008’, in library.



These are good examples about South Korean dialects in each region.

‘Oksusu’ - corn

Seoul area (standard language) : Oksusu

Chungchung dialects : Oksuggang, Oksiki or Oksusu

Jeolla dialects : Gangnaeng-I, Kkangnaeng-I, Gangnang, or Gangnangsuki etc

Kyoungsando dialects: Oksuku or Gangnanggu etc

Kangwon dialects: Oksiki

Jeju daialects: Gangnang-Daejuk or Gangnang-Daechuck


Lee Ik-sub, Seoul national university professor, said that this research about South Korean dialects contributed to preserve our own regional language.


I hope the near future that we can study and research about North Korean dialects.





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